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Meet the Team

Jay Crossen
Jay Crossen
Pastor Jay
Pastor Jay was welcomed to the Exeter CRC in April 2024.
Joyce Pelley
Joyce Pelley
As the church's administrator, Joyce's vast expertise and attention to detail ensure the weekly bulletins, the pro-presenter is ready each Sunday, the church calendar is up-to-date and many behind-the-scenes operations of the church and its programs with many communications run smoothly and efficiently.

Sarah & Stephen Van Breda, Yvonne & Leo Weverink
Sarah & Stephen Van Breda, Yvonne & Leo Weverink
sarahandstephen@gmail.com, leoandyvonne@gmail.com
Sarah and Stephen & Leo and Yvonne work with joy to maintain the church building ensuring everything is kept clean and beautiful for our church members, groups and community.
Yvonne VanSoest
Yvonne VanSoest
Yvonne oversees the church's budgets, bookkeeping and financial statements and reporting. Her expert skill set and attention to detail makes all run smoothly.

Harry Knip
Harry Knip
Grounds Maintenance
Hardworking "Be Happy" Harry Knip with Superb Lawn Care looks after our lawn, trees, gardens and parking lot, keeping all looking beautiful and meticulously groomed and maintained.